5 great ways to be more spontaneous and really boost your mood

When was the last time you met up for an unplanned drink with a friend, and ended up having one of the best nights ever? According to the Guardian, research in 2016 found that people enjoyed activities far more when they were spontaneous.

The article explains that planning to see a movie, for instance, made the experience feel more work-like and less “free flowing”, reducing the sense of enjoyment. Furthermore, Myers-Davis life coaching claims that being more impromptu could help you become more flexible and adapt when life doesn’t go according to plan.

Those who have a “go with the flow” attitude typically deal well with unforeseen situations and are better at avoiding conflict and confrontation. This can help you live a happier, less stressful life, which could be good for your mental health.

So how can you be more spontaneous in today’s schedule-heavy existence? Read on to discover five great ways to be more spontaneous.

1. Make time to be spontaneous

While it sounds like a contradiction, one of the best ways to be spontaneous is to plan it into your routine. Take time in your day to do something a bit more impulsive, no matter how big or small.

This might be going somewhere completely different to buy lunch, or choosing something you would normally not consider. Alternatively, set time in your diary to learn a new skill or try a new activity, whether it’s something you’ve always wanted to have a go at or not.

Key to this is not to plan for the time you allocate, but instead ask yourself: “what would I really like to do right now?”. Then follow your instinct and see what happens.

2. Decide to say yes

While you might be good at saying no to things that don’t bring happiness, it’s important to say yes to things that do. Be careful not to say no to something just because it’s a little inconvenient or not what you planned to be doing.

Doing this could result in you following a mundane routine instead of enjoying something different. Deciding to say “yes” to every opportunity, even when it means a little more effort on your part, could bring amazing experiences that provide you with joy and boost your mood.

3. Take a trip to nowhere in particular

In today’s busy world, we tend to travel when we have a reason to do so, be that work, a meeting or to see family and friends at a prearranged time. Instead, try taking a journey for the journey’s sake.

For example, take a walk and see where you end up, as this could add some intrigue and excitement to your day. Another way you could do this is to travel to somewhere you’ve never been and explore it.

4. Call a friend when you think of them

The next time you have a random thought of an old friend, especially one you have not seen for a long time, pick up the phone and call them. Even better, decide to drop by to see how they are and if they’re not in, leave a handwritten note.

It could lead to an unplanned catch-up, which could help you reconnect and bring unexpected opportunities for social events you’ll enjoy.

5. Change your look

Instead of playing safe and sticking with your usual style, being a bit more impromptu could be a lot more fun. Start with a small change, such as a new shade of lipstick or a different tie, and progress onto something more noticeable, such as a daring new haircut.

Being more creative about the way you look could boost your confidence and open doors you may never have thought possible.

Get in touch

We hope you enjoyed this blog, and it provides you with ideas about how you might be more spontaneous in life. That said, one time being spontaneous may not result in a positive outcome is with your finances, as they typically require careful consideration.

Research by Barclays found that half of investors said they had made impulsive investment decisions, only to regret it later.

As award-winning specialists in financial planning, we are experienced in creating wealth strategies that carefully consider every aspect of your finances. This helps ensure that any decision you make with your money is thought out and helps you look forward to a brighter future.

If you would like to discuss your finances, your wealth or investing your money, please contact us on hello@ardentuk.com or call 01904 655 330.

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By talking about your current situation and listening to your aims, we create a personalised plan that will put you on a path to achieving your aspirations.

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